Texas Education Agency Approved Courses
According to the official Texas Education Agency website, there are literally hundreds of schools in Texas authorized to teach a 6-hour driving safety class. Upon successful completion of an approved TEA online safety class, students are entitled to a certificate that Texas courts honor to dismiss a moving violation, traffic citation, or traffic ticket. In addition, upon presenting a TEA Approved Defensive Driving School course completion certificate to your local insurance agency, most reputable insurance providers will give you a 10% discount on the liability portion of your auto insurance (for up to 36 months).
What do you get when you take a defensive driving school course from TexasDefensiveDriving.com? A lot more than just the peace of mind you are completing a TEA court approved course
for every city in Texas. You get a state-of-the art, online educational program that delivers exactly what you need:
- Traffic Ticket Completion Certificate for your court
- Insurance Discount Completion Certificate for your insurance provider
- Free Completion Certificate Shipping
- Free Completion Certificate Processing
- FedEx Delivery Upgrades Available for Last Second Due Dates
- TEA Approved 6 Hour Online Driver Safety Course (6-Hour Driving School Course)
State Approved Defensive Driving
If you take a non-state approved defensive driving class, you may learn some defensive driving skills, but your completion of a non-approved course will not get you the certificates you need to dismiss a traffic citation or to earn an insurance discount. When you enroll in a defensive driving school, make sure that they are clearly offering only TEA State and Court accepted programs.
Defensive Driving Exceptions
In most cases, if you are a licensed driver in the state of Texas, you can take a defensive driving course to dismiss a traffic ticket, regardless of age.
However, there a few important exceptions you should note before signing up to take a course. Please note the following defensive driving rules"
- You cannot take TWO defensive driving course simultaneously, regardless of what city the tickets were issued
- If you were ticketed in a construction zone when workers were present, you may not take traffic school
- Do not take the course if you hold a CDL license
- If your ticket was for speeding in excess of 25mph over the posted speed limit, you may not be eligible for defensive driving class
- If your ticket was for passing a school bus in an illegal manner, you may not take traffic school
- If your ticket was received while riding a bicycle, you cannot dismiss the ticket with defensive driving
- Defensive Driving for ticket dismissal can only be takes once per every 12 months
- You may not take defensive driving school if you were cited for not having insurance or holding financial responsibility
- You may not take defensive driving if you a cited for leaving the scene of an accident

If none of the conditions apply to you, they you can take one of our TEA Texas State Approved Defensive Driving School Classes:
Making Payment For Your Low Price TX Course
Paying online by credit-card is the suggested method as it is fast, safe and secure, and makes sure your certificate(s) will be mailed as soon as possible after you finish the online course. You can also call us to pay with credit card by phone, which is also safe, secure, and easy to do. Finally, you can mail your payment. If you choose to mail your payment, please send payment in a timely manner to ensure that we can get your completion certificates to you before your court due date. Whatever method you choose, we make paying for your $25 defensive driving course fee as easy as possible.
State Approved Course Comes With Court Accepted Certificate
At TexasDefensiveDriving.com, when you complete our state approved defensive driver course, not only do you get the cheapest-priced defensive driving program around, you will also obtain the two completion certificates you have to have. One certificate can be taken to your insurance provider. If your insurance provider offers insurance discounts, then they will issue you up to a 10% discount on the base premium of your insurance rate. Please check with your individual insurance provider to see if they honor defensive driving insurance discounts. Most reputable insurance companies do accept defensive driving certificates for a 10% discount. If your insurance provider does not, it may be time to switch to a more legitimate insurance company. The other completion certificate is for the court and will be used to have your traffic citation dismissed.