Defensive Driving Insurance Discounts for Texas Drivers
Enjoy up to a 10% insurance discount from your auto insurance provider by completing our online defensive driving course. Completing an insurance discount course successfully can entitle you for 3 years of savings. After your 3 years is up, take the course again to continue receiving 10% insurance savings.
Before taking our defensive driving course to receive an insurance discount, check with your automobile insurance agent first to make sure they will except your defensive driving completion certificate in exchange for a discount. All reputable insurance companies should honor your defensive driving course certificate, but some lower level insurance providers may not offer a discount, or may only give a partial discount.
If your insurance provider does not give you a discount, it probably means that it's time to switch insurance carriers. Who wants to be with an insurance company that does not reward you for taking the time to complete a defensive driving course and becoming a better driver?

Besides getting an insurance discount, taking an online defensive driving course with has other valuable benefits. First and foremost, the increased driving knowledge you gain from taking a course will remind you of important driving techniques, as well as teach you new driving laws that have changes since you last took defensive driving or a drivers education course in Texas. Secondly, completing our online course will also earn you a certificate of completion for court approved ticket dismissal. You can take defensive driving one every year to dismiss a traffic ticket (not to be taken within the same 12 month period).
Have all of your defensive driving school needs met with
- Earn Completion Certificate for Insurance Discount (for your insurance provider)
- Gain knowledge of new driving laws and traffic regulations
- Learn important defensive driving techniques designed to keep you accident free
- Earn Completion Certificate for Ticket Dismissal (for Court)
- Get Free Certificate Processing
- Get Free Certificate Shipping
Insurance Discounts For Every City and County in TX
You're not the only one taking advantage of Texas' wonderful defensive driving insurance discount program. Look at all the Texas cities taking various defensive driving courses:
What is Texas Defensive Driving?
Here's a brief overview of how Defensive Driving works in the state of Texas:
- Register online for our Texas Education Agency approved defensive driving safety course - pay later if you want.
- Start reading our Texas online defensive driving safety program from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. The timed lessons will help keep you on track.
- After you finish our course and have made payment, we send your TX online defensive driving safety completion certificate straight to you. Just be sure to pay all the court required fees and that your County court has received your completion certificate prior to your assigned due date.
You are eligible for a Texas Driver's Safety Course if:
- You possess a valid Texas driver's license
- Have not taken a defensive driving class in your County or anywhere in TX within the last twelve months
- You are not holding a CDL (commercial drivers license)
- If you are under 17, you must get assistance from a parent or guardian
Make sure you request defensive driving from the appropriate county court PRIOR to taking a defensive driving course.